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  3. Quality Control Initiatives

We deliver safe and reliable products through strict quality control.

Quality Control

Raw Materials
We use safe ingredients and carry out prescribed checks and management of the yams we use. We regularly test the yams for residual pesticides.
Process Management
We regularly carry out random inspections of each process and check the sterilization of production equipment. We also use the latest equipment to prevent the introduction of foreign matter.
Product Inspection
We conduct microbial and sensory tests for each production lot.
Our inspectors undergo regular training at external institutions to improve their skills and accuracy.
ISO22000 and FSSC22000 Certified
Maruko Foods Co., Ltd. has obtained ISO22000 certification, a food safety management system standard focused on food safety and reliability. In addition, in order to provide safer and more reliable products, we have also obtained FSSC22000 certification.

【Head Office・Head Office Factory・Third Factory・Obihiro Factory・Sales Department】Design, development, manufacturing, and delivery of frozen grated Tororo; design, development, manufacturing, and delivery of frozen/refrigerated prepared foods (such as chopped gratedTororo, dressed foods, fried foods, soups, etc.)

【Ishizuka Factory】Design, development, and manufacturing of dried Tororo powder